The Pope, Objectivism ... and "The Best Within"
by Lindsay Perigo
In the west, it has been monopolised by Christianity for two thousand years. Now, we Objectivists must wrest the ground that is rightfully ours from the mystic imposters who still occupy it. (Read more...)
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A Writer Who Would Have Been
by Hong Zhang
This piece is inspired by one of Michael Newberry’s posts in the thread “On Writing.” Michael said that he had never read a book until he was 19. Somehow this touched a nerve in me and opened the floodgate of my childhood memory. (Read more...)
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Mother, Ayn, Nathaniel and I ... and Death with Dignity
by Barbara Branden
[Editor's note: every so often a post appears that is of article stature, and I pluck it from its thread and put it up in lights. This is one such outstanding post, from the thread, Terri Schiavo's Sad Saga. - Linz]
Please remember this story when you are told, as you will be told, that Nathaniel is an unfeeling and cruel wretch. Remember it when you are told that there was little more to Ayn Rand than an obsession with moral absolutism. Remember it, as I do. (Read more...)
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Why I Love Religious People (Well, One of Them, Anyway)
by James Kilbourne
When I was around twelve years old, I came to the realization one day in Sunday school that people generally use the term God when they are trying to figure something out, get tired, and don’t want to think about it any more. (Read more...)
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Numismatics: History as Market
by Michael E. Marotta
For a couple hundred dollars, you can own a coin struck by Philip III of Macedon and believe within reason that it might have been given to Aristotle. However, the Erie Railroad, the New York Central, Bethlehem Steel, and the many Edison Electric companies left us legacies that very affordable. You can buy a mixed lot of common early 20th century stock for about $50 per 100. (Read more...)
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Thank You, SOLO!
by Kelly Reynolds
I want to say thank you to all of you SOLO folks for those hours of community you have given me and for the realization that there are many people in the world with whom I can share my life-loving, happy, value-seeking spirit. (Read more...)
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Finding Our Way Back Together
by James Kilbourne
As Sergio is the love of my life, Barbara Branden is the friend of my life. The word friend feels inadequate here. I will always be there for Barbara. She is always there for me. (Read more...)
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My First Time
by John Newnham
What Rand was saying about who I could be, could not be true. It went against everything I had heard from my parents, my family, and my church. What she was saying about the individual, I had not heard before. It felt slightly, thrillingly blasphemous to read about rational self-interest, and love. Did I really own this life of mine? I realized that I had come home. I read passages over and over, then closed my eyes and dreamed of a world where this was true. (Read more...)
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Brian's Smile
by George W. Cordero
Brian once confessed to me that he believed that life was about suffering, and that those few moments of happiness we have, are just accidents. He would often say that the only true happiness a person will experience in his life is at the moment of death, the moment in which one is finally released from so much pain. (Read more...)
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In Praise of Contempt
by Jeffrey Perren
A discussion of an overlooked, albeit secondary, virtue. (Read more...)
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The Passion of Ayn Rand Criticism
by Joseph C. Maurone
"An artist reveals his naked soul in his work-and so, gentle reader, do you when you respond to it." (Read more...)
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Poor Don't Deserve My Paycheck
by Luke Setzer
I published this editorial on October 3, 1988, in the campus newspaper, The Technicianat North Carolina State University shortly after reading The Virtue of Selfishnessthe first time. I share it here for your entertainment. As you might imagine, a storm of protests filled the "Letters to the Editor" section the following week. (Read more...)
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The Passion of Barbara Branden
by Barbara Branden
I am proud of The Passion of Ayn Rand. I told the truth about Ayn Rand, to the best of my ability, knowledge, and recollection. That is all I needed to do. But I would like to say something about why I wrote the book, since my reasons have proved to be of interest to many of my readers. (Read more...)
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The Truck Driver and the Choirboy
by James Kilbourne
To a greater degree than any artist I have experienced, Mario Lanza had his own vision and couldn’t care less if you thought it was silly, crazy or too emotional. Lanza went inside himself and inside the music for inspiration, not to his last critical review. (Read more...)
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Thursday February 10, 2005 |
A Comedy of Errors
by Jennifer Iannolo
[Editor's note - this article is actually a joint effort by SOLO lovebirds Jennifer Iannolo & Marcus Bachler. Unfortunately our programme doesn't accommodate dual authorship, so I'm posting it under Jennifer's name. Those wishing to sanction it should find a post by Marcus and sanction that as well! :-) - Linz]
The ancient Greeks were not renowned for their humour, but their humours live on. (Read more...)
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Wedding Vows
by Duncan Bayne
Last December, I married my fiancee & girlfriend of seven years (to the day - we were married on our seventh anniversary), Andelys, and we honeymooned in Rarotonga (brilliant place to relax - the photo to the right is the view from Sails Restaurant). Andelys isn't an Objectivist, but she is very intelligent, rat... (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 2, 2005 |
Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand!
by Lindsay Perigo
May all lovers of reason and freedom pause and acknowledge their debt! (Read more...)
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Living with "Into the Blue"
by Adam Reed
The painting explodes with the joy of the human spirit breaking out of the two-dimensional surface of the world into three-dimensional life; of the artist shaking the bonds of photo-realist illustration and finding, with incredible lightness, that they never bound him at all. (Read more...)
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The Missing Link: Sense of Life
by David Bertelsen
One day, I finally broke and gave in to a silly hunch... could it be that there is a part of these people's "sense of life" that I share, but just don't know about yet? (Read more...)
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Finding My Way Back to Me
by James Kilbourne
I have very few answers as to how I will live in the future. However, I am now beginning to see the questions that need to be answered, and to once again understand the process I need to follow to find those answers. I also recognize the nature of the only answers that I can accept. (Read more...)
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Wednesday January 12, 2005 |
JOE versus SAM
by Luke Setzer
This Toastmasters speech from the Entertaining Speaker manual includes competency in drawing humorous and dramatic material from sources other than the speaker's own personal experience, adapting it to suit the speaker and his audience, and using the entertaining material to convey a serious message about how men can and ought to handle their romantic relationships. (Read more...)
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A Toast To The Worthwhile Life
by Larry Sechrest
Drain your glasses, my friends! We drink to the good life, the worthwhile life, the life of riches. Riches of all kinds: achievement, knowledge, creativity, joy, love, friendship. (Read more...)
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Salutations, SOLOists!
by Lindsay Perigo
Next year will see SOLOC 4 in Los Angeles—a chance for all SOLOists to put faces to NEMs. For details of that, and a whole lot more, stay tuned. If you thought 2004 was a KASS-blast, you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet! (Read more...)
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Take Back The Coffeehouses!
by Eric J. Tower
Sometime in the 20th century capitalists abandoned the coffeehouses to the intellectuals as they abandoned philosophy to them. During the 20th century coffeehouses became synonymous with crazy intellectuals proclaiming the world's non-existence and capitalism's evil nature. I will grant them this haven no longer. (Read more...)
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Christmas For A Reluctant Atheist
by Jamie Kelly
A personal testimony, without all that God stuff! (Read more...)
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